
Sober livingThe Take a Break from Drinking Podcast

The Take a Break from Drinking Podcast

It helps you prepare and reflect on the reasons making a change is worthwhile, which can improve your commitment to change. I’m a certified alcohol-free life coach and bestselling author who specializes in helping highly intuitive women make alcohol insignificant and harness their true potential.

  • Get helpful tips and guidance for everything from fighting inflammation to finding the best diets for weight loss…from exercises to build a stronger core to advice on treating cataracts.
  • This is because alcohol’s slow-down effect on your brain can lead to drowsiness helping you to doze off more easily.
  • If you go for three weeks without alcohol, you’ll be saving money!
  • We’ve been drinking since we were teenagers and often look to a drink to help us relax, socialize or even to relieve boredom.
  • It’s always wise to check with your doctor — she should be able to help you decide whether it is best for you to cut back or to abstain.

SELF does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. You’ll probably lower your risk of cancer, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome. “Say, hey, it’s dry January,” and tell them why you’re taking a break. If a friend isn’t supportive, it may be time to assess that friendship.

ShopJournaling could help boost your mental health — here’s how to get started

Discover how the brain works, the real reason you crave a drink, the key to changing your desire, and how to decide what’s right for you. “For women especially, the liver will divert its attention to detoxing alcohol instead of estrogen, which may lead to estrogen dominance and a slew taking a break from alcohol of other hormonal symptoms.” It’s a great idea to find a friend or a few people to get on board with your choice and help support you through it. These individuals may also come to your assistance in social drinking settings or when you’re getting the third degree from others.

  • Understanding this can be a helpful motivator to make changes.
  • While it’s true that alcohol makes you drowsy, the fact is that alcohol can cause you to fall asleep, but it doesn’t help you stay asleep.
  • This is why having a support system set up is so important.
  • Nicole Lee works as a consultant in the alcohol and other drug sector and a psychologist in private practice.

This person doesn’t have to be sober themselves, but it doesn’t hurt. Ask around — you probably know more sober people than you think willing to keep you in check.

ways to curb your drinking

While some say that curiosity killed the cat, the truth is that you don’t get anywhere in life without being prepared to take a chance and explore the unfamiliar. Many people who consume alcohol regularly become stuck in a negative rut. They then start to wonder what life without drinking would be like. If you’re trying to stop drinking or drink less, it might seem like a great idea to get rid of all the alcohol in your house. However, as you’ll learn in this episode, removing temptation doesn’t magically fix your habit. Find out what getting rid of the alcohol in your house implies and where to channel your efforts instead. If you take a break from drinking, look at how much cash you’ll save— it could easily be hundreds!

Most people who successfully cut down or stop drinking altogether do so only after several attempts. You’ll probably have setbacks, but don’t https://ecosoberhouse.com/ let them keep you from reaching your long-term goal. There’s really no final endpoint, as the process usually requires ongoing effort.

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